
Year: 2023

PhD Consultant in Chandigarh

My Ph.D. Journey….. Up, Down & then Up.

We all have heard about the term Doctor abbreviated as (Dr.) – now it depends on what we choose- an academic doctor or a medical doctor. I selected former one and started my doctorate journey. A Ph.D. journey is never easy, and it becomes even more difficult when you are doing it alongside a full-fledge business start-up in Chandigarh. But, there are many factors that helped me sail through in this journey. The first factor was my Ph.D Mentor (Dr. Balraj), Guide (Dr. Rajesh & Dr. Shashi) & support from entire research department of Chitkara University. Special thanks to Dr. Amit Mittal (Pro.Vice Chancellor, Research) for believing in me. In this journey, I have had so much to learn from mentor & guide, not just the technical paths, but most importantly the academic life lessons. I feel grateful & extremely privileged to have such a nice and dedicated team. The Second factor that helped me immensely is the wonderful support I got from my family. My son, born during the midst of my Ph.D. journey, would always help in easing the pressure & stress with his innocence.  Coming back to my Ph.D. journey…. During my journey, I met my first guide Dr. Rajesh in 2016, worked with him for almost 4 years suddenly got a call from guide that he got a government job in Shimla University. Then I was introduced to Dr. Shashi my second guide, who guided me for 3 months then he got a job in IIM K. At that time i pray to god to give me stable guide who can guide till i reach my destination. Finally, I was introduced with Dr. Balraj , who was my guide & mentor who helped me a lot & made it possible till end. Thus, I started my Ph.D journey in 2015-2016; I was happy & at the same time worried, because I was going back to the classroom as a student after a long time. It was 2015-2016, when I started my Ph.D., my new start-up business & lost my father in the same year at that time I found very difficult to handle everything. I still remember my father wordings in 2015, when i got enrolled for my Ph.D. he said TU KAR LEGA NA then he pause for 5 minutes & told I know TU KAR LEGA but meri eyes NHI DEKH PAYEGI, within 15 days from enrollment I lost my Father. I know you are always there with me in the form of blessings. PAPA APKA AMAN DOCTOR BAN GAYA….. YEH DEGREE PAPA APKE NAAM……..Always miss you PAPA. Finally, long journey coming to be end after facing many up & downs but almighty has given the rewards. It took me around 6.5 years to hold the highest level of degree in my hand.  Regards Dr. Aman Jandwani Research Task.
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IEEE publication is one of the largest citation databases in the today’s world for peer-reviewed papers, articles, magazines and colloquiums. Anyone in the scholarly institution who wants to have their scientific work reported in IEEE indexed journals, conferences and books since millions of professors, writers and researchers (scholars) and other specialists around the world can trust and read them. In order to successfully publish a research paper in IEEE, it is essential to wisely select the appropriate newsletter right from the start, following these preeminent guidelines:  First of all, to enhance suitability of your article you need to get some personalized recommendations as the IEEE Publication Recommender tool prescribes.   Afterwards, conducting keyword research on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library is essential to compile a list of publications that share the same content type as your research.       You have to check a list of references with topics related to your journal.       Try to take peer and co-author suggestions    You have to read the aim and you should assess the scope of your potential objective publications to guarantee that your article line up well alongside them. This information can be found in the “Aims and Scope” section, positioned in the “About” tab on homepage of the journal within IEEE Xplore.   You should always bear in mind that various publications have specific article format preferences. For instance, “Letters” publications typically welcome concise articles, whereas “Transactions” or “Journal” publications are more inclined to accept maximum length articles.       The publisher provides option for submissions on a one-at-a-time basis. Submission guidelines for IEEE journals are available in an “Information for Authors” file in the journal or on an organization’s website. According to your target journal, you can find the guidelines positioned in the “About” tab on homepage of the journal in IEEE Xplore. Navigate to the “Additional Information” section found in the left row. Not following the rules specified in the “Information for Authors” can lead to delays in the processing of your submission otherwise dismissal without undergoing a review process or errors in your article. By sticking to the publication’s rules, you can simplify your article’s procedure via analysis and submission. Following the mentioned steps, you are eligible to submit your article. Submit your article Once you have verified that your article aligns with the submission rules of the target journal, you are all set to initiate the submission process. Simply click on the “Submit Your Manuscript” option located on homepage of the journal in IEEE Xplore. This action will redirect you to the journal’s virtual submission system, where you will get guidance throughout the submission process. Regarding the peer review process of IEEE Peer review plays a crucial role in ensuring the worth of published study. Your submitted article will undergo evaluation by a minimum of two impartial reviewers. The feedback provided by the peer reviewers will be a significant factor in the editor’s choice regarding the acceptance or rejection of your article for publication. How does it work? Before the editor can provide a verdict, IEEE guidelines basically needs a minimum of two skilled reviewers to analyse a tendered article (IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) procedure handbook Section 8.2.2.A.4). (a)  The newsletter editor will extend invitations to professional reviewers in the subject matter of your article, requesting them to assess the article and offer feedback. (b) Reviewer’s provides comment on a various aspects, including study’s design or preliminary results. Their feedback assists authors in refining important elements, pinpointing and rectifying mistakes and generating fresh ideas. (c) The feedback provided by the reviewers plays a crucial role in shaping the editor’s decision regarding the acceptance or article’s rejection. The utmost prevalent kinds of peer review are single and double Mysterious review. The reviewers’ identities remain not disclosed to the author in a single anonymous review, but the reviewers themselves stay conscious of the writer’s identity. Both the author and the reviewers are not conscious of each other’s identity in a double anonymous review. These patterns equally guarantee unbiased examination of the article by reviewer. The single-anonymous review process is used by the most IEEE publications. Points to be considered during peer review Throughout this peer review process, copyreaders and all reviewers consider the following. Innovation: Is the content original and different from previous publications? Legitimacy: Has the study been properly considered and executed? Information: Is the data accurately analysed, interpreted and reported? Precision: Are the ideas conveyed in a clear, concise and logical manner? Compliance: Have all moral and newsletter-specific necessities been fulfilled? Scope: Does the article align with the suitability of this particular publication? Advance: Does this represent a substantial input in field?  Selection of publishing agreement before publication of an accepted article by IEEE Before IEEE publishes your article, you will be requested to finalize a publishing agreement. Two agreement options are provided to match your requirements. The author’s copyright will be transferred to IEEE through IEEE Copyright Form. The CC (“Creative Commons”) licenses, which involves the CC Attribution License and the CC Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivatives License (CCBY-NC-ND), which let authors to keep copyright. In the case of open access publication, the article is accessible to everyone through global free online approach and with proper acknowledgement can be reused. IEEE Copyright Form For the publications that are unable to open accessed, the IEEE Copyright Form is required, excluding relevant matter in the unrestricted field. By submitting the IEEE Copyright Form, you give IEEE ownership of the article. The Electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCF) simplifies the process of signing a publishing agreement. This form evaluates your requirements and assists you in completing the appropriate agreement electronically. After Publication of Article Cheers on your article’s publication! It will be featured in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library alongside some of the well cited articles in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. IEEE has also compiled resources to support you after your article’s publication. You can monitor and enhance the visibility of your published article: Establish a citation alert within IEEE Xplore. Check your article’s pattern within IEEE Xplore. Advertise your article to
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Being a publication that is proclaimed to be one among the largest citation databases, in the present world with respect to peer-reviewed papers, articles, and colloquiums. Any individual within academic institutions would aspire to have their scientific research recognized in Scopus books and journals. This publication is trusted and have a reputation among millions of specialists, professors, writers, researchers, etc. Scopus is a well known and prominent publications to be ranked. Following are the steps involved publishing a paper in Scopus indexed journals: Explore Scopus Listed Publications   Scopus has prioritized making it simpler and improving the ease of access of its indexed publications, making them more understandable and relevant for anyone who conducts searches associated with their areas of interest and the goals of their research. In relation to the extensive spectrum of Scopus-indexed publications encompassing multiple disciplines, finding the right publication by simply browsing the Scopus-indexed list can be a very difficult task for those researching them. Scopus has set up a mandatory requirement for its users to download their preferred publications by providing specific information such as – Area of interest/expertise Title of the specific journal Publisher’s name ISSN code Employing all the aforementioned information correctly will assist the individuals in locating the specific publication cited in the Scopus’ public list.  Obtaining specific information regarding the paper you are seeking for, that includes the above access details can further streamline the process identifying the specific journal. Nevertheless, in case you lack important details about the journal that you are searching for, you could conduct a broader search by directly exploring the specific field of study and conducting a more in-depth search on the topic. This method may take a little longer, but it simplifies the process because Scopus offers various ways to refine your search results based on your subject concept.  Detect Scopus list journals When determining whether the journal on the Scopus public list aligns closely to ones’ work and research, they have to bear in mind several criteria like- The daily readership of the journal The subjects that can effectively be addressed The number of researchers to consider for publication The chances of publishing research papers Its reputation and recognition in particular field/ domain While determining whether you want to submit work to a closed-access paper or an open-access journal, keep in mind that journals that are open-access generally want authors and co-authors to contribute to the processing fees stipulated by the journal in order for their research findings to be published. Formatting of paper as per required journal Begin by carefully reviewing and becoming acquainted with the terms and conditions of service of the publication in which you have chosen to publish your research. Assess previous issues of the publication, examined the articles published in it, and keep a note of the outstanding papers. By integrating each of these steps with a basic knowledge of the journal’s objectives and context, you should have a good grasp on the formatting rules and selected ways of writing for publications in that journal. Upload paper The most important step in preparing your paper so that it complies with the format, style, and tone necessary by the journal in which you seek to publish your work is to upload your final paper. Again, a thorough knowledge of the journal’s terms of service will aid you to realize the process of submission of the paper, by providing information on the procedure: Location for paper submission or uploading Submission Deadlines Submission fees to be paid before actual submission Procedural guidelines to be adhered to while submitting This consists of important information like e-mail address, name, subject, area of research, academic institution affiliation, and the intent of your submission. It is worth noting that a large number of Scopus-indexed journals have a standard online application system for authors as well as co-authors to turn in their work. Acceptance formalities  Subsequent to the submission of your paper, all that remains to do is allow the publication review board to conclude their evaluation. The evaluation process can take anywhere from five to thirty days, varying depending on the nature of the study that you’ve submitted and the number of pending submissions, they are required to review. Once a review panel has determined that the research you’ve conducted meets all of their standards and merits being released in their research journal, you will be notified that the review procedure has been completed and that your work has been accepted for publication. Copyright Form Transferring copyrights is one of the most important steps to getting your research out there in a journal, but the process can vary based on copyright processes and regulatory requirements. This emphasizes the significance of extensively reviewing and understanding the journal’s concept as well as its terms and conditions.  Abstracting and Indexing of Published Articles Discovering your article in renowned and widely used scientific databases aids you in promoting your work with abstracting and indexing database providers through active partnerships. This is facilitated by Scopus. Scopus has active partnerships maintained with the following: Elsevier Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) NLM (US National Library of Medicine) CrossRef Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database ProQuest-ExLibris Primo ProQuest-ExLibris Summon SCImago TD Net Discovery Service UGC-CARE List (India) Regards Dr. Aman (Ex. Chitkarian) Research Task. Chandigarh.
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